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Innovative Surfacing Technologies

Current News

Jun 30, 2011

Operating Conditions Determines Surfacing

Substrate and surfacing choices may be overwhelming when faced with equipment wear and surface quality issues that affect product quality.
Category: Featured Application
Posted by: admin

Operating environment, identifying wear, part configuration and part cost affect decisions when considering an overall solution. ASB Industries options guide your understanding and requirements to determine the best solutions. Whether choices include thermal spray, oxide sealing treatments or welding, ASB can support these options to complete your project using the large variety of machine tools and tooling to work with alloys, carbides and ceramics that are applied to your part. Options are made available to make an informed decision—ASB gives you options to consider which may include a portion of your project being processed by ASB Industries, Inc. This informative site explains various options with explanations of materials, processes and machining/support capabilities.