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Innovative Surfacing Technologies

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Wear Surfacing applied to Pump Components

Sep 27, 2013

Typical pump wear shows directional abrasive wear and over time, the engineered pumping pathways erode causing inefficiencies. In addition to identifying abrasive wear, temperature and any corrosive media needs to be identified to determine material and the thermal spray process. Part configuration related to line-of-site thermal spray process needs to be considered to achieve an optimized coating. In some cases, other options will be considered and explained. OEM specifications for many pump manufacturers have established proven thermal spray coating specifications. As shown in the attached pictures is a completed HVOF applied Carbide coating to the interior surfaces of the main pump housing and the wear ring. This customer application is used for direct processing of their product-initiated by their maintenance team identifying an important production component to extend service life to minimize production interruptions, increase efficiencies and obvious longer term cost savings.

Pump HousingWear Ring